Félix José Rolando


Phone Number

+ 54 11 6091 4665

Areas of expertise

International Tax.
Direct and Indirect Tax.
Tax Structures.

Félix was previously an advisor for the Ministry of Economy of the Nation Cabinet.

Félix is known for his professional and academic experience on international and national tax issues, with a special focus on their impact on different business enterprises as well as development tax planning.

He was author of various articles on taxation issues, and co-author of the books: “Sociedades de Hecho y Empresas Unipersonales” published by La Ley in 2012; and “Introducción al Regimen Tributario Argentino” published by Errepar in 2010, with later reprints.

He was an expositor for the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CPCECABA), professional associations of different provinces of Argentina and currently is an expositor for the Colegio de Graduados en Ciencias Económicas of Capital Federal and the Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales.

He lectures on postgraduate courses on taxation issues at the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and Universidad Argentina de la Empresa.


Public Accountant – Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Committee of taxation at the AFIP in the representation of the Colegio de Graduados en Ciencias Económicas of Capital Federal.