Corporate and Commercial Law

There are several forms and legal tools that allow local and foreign businessmen to channel their investments in our country in the best way.

Likewise, the regulations in force applicable to the chosen investment vehicles, whether they are foreign companies, closely-held companies or companies subject to the public offering regime, trusts or joint ventures, require the verification of certain legal requirements both at the time of making corporate decisions and in the compliance with regimes or registration of corporate acts and contracts.

To such end, we offer:

  • Incorporation and registration of commercial companies and registration of foreign companies.
  • Mergers, spin-offs and transformation of companies.
  • Registration of changes in capital stock and statutory amendments.
  • Dissolution and liquidation of local companies and branches of foreign companies.
  • Cancellation of the registration of foreign companies.
  • Attendance, representation and legal advice at shareholders’ meetings or partners’ meetings.
  • Transfers of shares or assignment of corporate quotas. Negotiation. Drafting of corporate legal documents. Partners/Shareholders Agreements.
  • Commercial contracts and registration of trust contracts, joint ventures and transfer of goodwill.
  • Organization and estate planning through the design and implementation of corporate structures, trusts, shareholder agreements, family business protocol, among other tools.
  • Registration of Trademarks, Industrial Models and Designs, Patents, Utility Models, Domain Names, Copyright, Software, Litigation and Dispute Resolution.
  • Registration of Technology Transfer and Trademark License agreements with the INPI.
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy.

For the delivery of our recurring corporate support services, we developed Corporate Hub. A digital tool designed for business structures that need to keep a complete and updated record of the corporate data and documents of each of the legal entities, providing them with the assurance that they are complying with the registration aspects in the jurisdictions where they are located.

Leaders in Argentina