VAT. Investments in property, plant and equipment. Technical credit balance refund system 2020
The deadline to complete the request for the refund of the technical credit balance is extended until October 31, 2021, by means of the web form F.8117 and the special report issued by a public accountant.
The extension refers to requests for the unabsorbed tax credit for the year 2020, arising from the purchase, construction, manufacture, processing or definitive importation of capital goods after 6 consecutive tax periods have elapsed.
> For more information on General Resolution 5071/2021 click here.
Royalties. Multilateral Agreement. Computable Expense
By means of General Resolution (CA) 6/2021, the plenary commission of the Multilateral Agreement dismisses the appeal filed by the Province of Buenos Aires against General Resolution No. 8/2021 and, consequently, ratifies that the expenses incurred for royalties are considered computable under the terms of Article 3 of the Multilateral Agreement.
> For more information on Resolution 6/2021 click here.
Directorate of Legal Entities. Form for digital procedures
The Provincial Directorate of Legal Entities enables the form for digital procedures on a trial basis, which will be identical to the one to be used by the service once it is operational.
The test form can be accessed by using the following form No. This will allow testing the user’s authentication and will be enabled for future real procedures.
The objective is to simplify the procedures that currently exist for the user. Below is the link to access the test form mentioned above.
Repro II
The deadline for enrollment in the REPRO II program for wages earned during the month of September 2021, which will be from September 24 to September 30, 2021 inclusive, is established, as well as the guidelines to be considered for applying the pre-selection criteria regarding the billing and payroll dates of the companies that wish to access the benefit.
> For more information on Resolution 568/2021 MTEySS click here.